Flower Essence Therapy

Emotional Balance with Nature's Beauty

Flower Essence Therapies

Flower essence therapies predate modern medicine. From the ancient Egyptians to the Aborigines of Australia, specific flower essences have been used to bring about emotional balance in various societies throughout the ages. Although much of this knowledge has been lost, the Aborigines have retained this memory, and the Australian Bush Flower Essences are some of the most potent on the planet.

You may be more familiar with the Bach Flower Remedies, which Dr. Edward Bach brought us in the mid-20th century, or the Perelandra Essences, introduced by Machaelle Small Wright, founder of the Perelandra Center in Virginia.

Due to the high level of stress in modern society, flower essences are some of the most potent remedies available today. The right essence will help one clear blocks that hinder connection to Higher Self and life purpose.   Flower essences also help to resolve drama and distress in one’s life.

How do they work?

Flower Remedies are said to work in a similar way to homeopathic remedies: the diluted water is said to retain a ‘memory’ of the original substance even when there is no trace of it left.

What are they used for?

Flower Remedies help you deal with difficult emotions like jealousy or apprehension before these emotions affect you at a deeper level. Each remedy is associated with a different mood, emotion or personality type, rather than a specific complaint. For example. One remedy called End2Panic  helps stop unfounded panic, nervousness, and hyper-vigilance and helps produce greater mind/spirit coherence. It affirms the belief, “I belong”.

Using the Quantum Biofeedback process, Ciel can identify the highest resonant flower essence to help you feel peaceful and balanced.

I will formulate a custom flower essence remedy combining up to 6 flowers from amongst the Bach, Perelandra or FlorAlive lines, specifically for you.


                                                                   Call 828-232-4488 to schedule your flower essence session today!

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