Allergy Solutions

Five modalities can alleviate your allergies

What are Allergies?

Allergies essentially are a symptom of intolerance of the body either internally or externally. Food and chemical allergies relate to what has been ingested, and external allergies relates to airborne antigens that are either inhaled or come in contact with the skin or eyes. The causes of allergies relate to the inability of the immune system to counter antigen disruption by responding with a normal antibody response. Common examples would be hay fever, gluten intolerance, asthma, eczema and dermatitis to name a few.

Five Holistic Solutions to Combine or Use on Their Own

  1. Acupuncture-Treatment plans for allergies vary greatly, and the possible results range from temporary relief to complete remission. Acupuncture frequently relieves seasonal allergy symptoms immediately. Manipulation of points around the nose usually relieves the nasal congestion and sneezing as soon as the needles are inserted.
  2. Neurolink/NIS– The focus of NIS is to establish WHY the immune pathways have failed to recognize the allergen. When foods breakdown completely into usable nutrients we have no problems. This would indicate that the food has passed through the various checkpoints along the digestive tract, and finally has been absorbed as a usable nutrient. The perfect digestive cycle seldom occurs, due to many factors, and this very issue forms the basis for what is commonly referred to as allergies. Let’s look at the food cycle step-by-step explaining the role of NIS in both assessment and treatment.

CHECKPOINT 1: The mouth

NIS would assess:

The function of cranial nerve 7 and 12.Any pathology present in the mouth e.g. viral, bacterial, fungal.Explain the relevance of spending more time to chew our food.

CHECKPOINT 2: The stomach

NIS would assess:

Nerve supply to the stomach.All enteric functions and the control of emotional anxiety and its effects on the stomach.The neurological control of the valves of digestion; this function allows appropriate time sequencing of the digestive processes that are essential to completing the digestive process. Reflux, constipation, and irritable bowel syndrome are synonymous with gut dysfunction.Any pathology that might be present in the stomach.

CHECKPOINT 3: Duodenum and small intestine

NIS would assess:

Function of the liver, gallbladder, duodenum, & ileum.Any pathology affecting any of the glands mentioned.The nerve supply relating to these glands.The various emotional triggers that can influence and inhibit the function of these glands. While the functions described should run automatically under the control of the brain there are many variables that overload and impede the signaling process. It is this process that the strength of NIS will enable the various functions to normalize to resolve the symptom pattern called allergies.

  1. Quantum BioFeedback – to determine the energetic sensitivities and intolerances, and then test for effective, results-oriented targeted nutrient support.
  2. Diet Modification – Modifying the diet for a short period can help speed up the healing process by giving the liver some reprieve so it can efficiently carry out the eliminative function. Sweets, dairy products, and cold foods all tend to increase mucus buildup, putting ice cream and yogurt at the top of the list of foods to avoid during allergy season. When excessive mucus accumulates in the system, allergens stimulate a much stronger allergic reaction. Soups, salads (in warm weather), vegetables, and non-sticky grains are all easy for the body to digest. When digestion is efficient, there is less of a tendency for mucus to build up.
  3. Allergy Clearing Technique – a simple 7 step protocol to help eliminate or reduce food sensitivities.

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